I've got a chunk of text with mixed formatting (bold, italic, underlined), all of which is in the same font luckily. The thing is, when I copy+paste text from the Word document to a PDF using Adobe Acrobat, it instantly loses all formatting Do you guys know how to keep text formatting while copy + pasting. Thank you!
asked Jun 7, 2013 at 5:00 133 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 12 12 bronze badgesNot an answer to your query, but how about saving as PDF in Word and then editing the file in Acrobat instead?
Commented Jun 7, 2013 at 5:37If you're using Acrobat Pro and you have the plug-in for Word you can export the Word Doc as a PDF then open it in Acrobat Pro and select the object with the arrow tool and copy and paste it into the other PDF.
Rich Text in Acrobat Forms: If you're trying to copy and paste type into a PDF's form field in Acrobat Pro, you'll need to make the form field a rich text field (under properties for the field).
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