The WES Credential Evaluation Process Explained

The WES credential evaluation process involves four basic steps. Here’s a brief overview, and you can read a more in-depth explanation of each step below:

In the first step, evaluators ensure that WES has received all required documents in the manner specified for that country (or territory) and credential.

The second step consists of reviewing the documents to ensure that they are authentic and issued by duly recognized institutions.

In the third step, analysts evaluate the documents and assess their equivalency in terms of Canadian or U.S. education.

In the fourth and final step, the evaluator issues the credential evaluation report. Each step is essential in creating an accurate and high-value report.

If you ever need an update, WES provides an easy-to-use online tracking system. You can log in to My Account to check the status of your application at any time. If you require further assistance, please visit our Help Center or contact our customer support team.

Benefits of the WES Evaluation Process

The WES credential evaluation process involves reviews from both documentation and education system specialists. Our document collection, authentication, evaluation, analysis, and quality control standards lead to more accurate evaluation reports.

Our stringent review process ensures that a WES evaluation is widely accepted and preferred by more than 2,500 educational, business, licensing, and governmental institutions in the U.S. and Canada.

As stated above, every credential evaluation proceeds through four major stages at WES:

Stage 1: Document Imaging

When documents arrive at WES, documentation specialists review each individual page and scan it into our system. In many cases, we can accept electronic documents directly from your international institution. Check your Required Documents to see if that is an option for you. If your institution would like to send your documents to us electronically, please have them Contact Us. We will communicate with your institution to explore possibilities for digital document transmission.

Once your files are in our system, your My Account timeline will reflect: “We are processing a new package or document for your application.”

We are processing a new package or document for your application status message

Stage 2: Document Review and Authentication

In this stage, document examiners compare the scanned images to the physical documents we received to make sure that the file is complete and submitted in the manner specified by WES. After reviewing, they determine whether the documents should be accepted.

At this step, your My Account timeline will reflect: “We are reviewing your documents.”

We are reviewing your documents status message

Stage 3: Analysis and Equivalency Assessment

The next phase involves document analysis and evaluation. A team of analysts with country-specific knowledge handles this operation. They review the authenticated documents for accuracy and completeness.

At this step, your My Account timeline will reflect: “We are analyzing and evaluating your documents.”

The analysts will decide on next steps and update your account accordingly. If the evaluators determine that all the required documents have been received in the manner specified by WES, that they are authentic and complete, they will queue the file for evaluation and issue an estimated date of completion.

At this step, your My Account timeline will reflect: “We are reviewing your evaluation.”

If the evaluators determine that any of the documents require secondary verification, they will reach out directly to the appropriate institution for verification. If your documents require secondary verification, your My Account timeline will reflect: “We are waiting for your institution(s) to verify your documents. (Learn More.)”

If evaluators notice that required documentation or information is missing, they will contact you and request the missing documentation. During this step, your My Account timeline will reflect: “We are waiting for your documents.”

Whenever a file requires secondary verification or additional documents are required, the file is placed on hold. It is only when all the necessary information and verification have been obtained that the file is ready for evaluation and a completion date is issued. Before making any of these decisions, evaluators carefully analyze documents, perform necessary research, and consult with domain specialists.

Stage 4: Evaluation Report Production

The final phase involves quality control. Specialists review the report draft and make any necessary changes. Then, they send the report for printing and mailing or electronic delivery. At this step, your My Account timeline will reflect: “Your report is under final review and your evaluation will be sent to your recipient(s).”

How to Avoid Delays

To ensure the WES credential evaluation process goes as smoothly as possible, follow these tips:

Remember, you can check the status of your application any time by logging in to My Account. If you require further assistance, you can always visit our Help Center or contact our customer support team.

Credential evaluations can help you achieve your academic and professional goals in the U.S. and Canada.

Learn more: About WES Credential Evaluations.

Or: Apply for your credential evaluation today!