Malcolm Gladwell: What We Can Learn from Spaghetti Sauce

Speak­ing at the TED con­fer­ence in 2007, Mal­colm Glad­well (author of The Tip­ping Point, Blink, and now Out­liers: The Sto­ry of Suc­cess) intro­duces you to the food indus­try’s pur­suit of the per­fect spaghet­ti sauce, which ulti­mate­ly tells you some­thing essen­tial about human choice and hap­pi­ness.

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Comments (1)

[…] Cole­man of Open Cul­ture recent­ly post­ed Mal­colm Gladwell’s TED talk from 2007. TED (Tech­nol­o­gy, Enter­tain­ment, Design) is invi­ta­tion only, an event where the […]

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