Ready to learn how to talk about houses and rooms in Spanish?
Una casa está hecha con paredes y vigas; Un hogar está construida con amor y sueños.
“A house is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Knowing how to describe your casa and its rooms in Spanish is a smart way to build your vocabulary base with meaningful words. It might even inspire you to print out our Spanish house labels and stick them up around your house!
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A typical house has these 11 types of rooms:
While you study the rooms in Spanish, it helps to identify the common items you’ll find in each room. In addition to learning tons of new nouns, we’ll look at adjectives to describe your bedroom and example sentences!
When you mention tu dormitorio to someone, you’ll want to use some of these adjectives to describe the quality, type, or location of your bedroom:
Me gusta tu cuarto tan espacioso y ordenado.
I like your spacious and organized room.
Dejé este cuarto vacío e inutilizado porque es demasiado oscuro.
I left this room empty and unused because it’s too dark.
Los dormitorios en tu casa son los más acogedores que he visto.
The bedrooms in your house are the coziest I’ve ever seen.
El cuarto del fondo tiene poca ventilación.
The rear bedroom has poor ventilation.
Puedes dormir en el cuarto más cercano al baño.
You can sleep in the room nearest to the bathroom.
El cuarto adyacente es para visitas.
The adjacent bedroom is for guests.
Mi dormitorio es el del medio.
My bedroom is the one in the middle.
Ustedes se quedarán en la habitación de huéspedes.
You all will stay in the guest bedroom.
Este es el único dormitorio en mi apartamento.
This is the only bedroom in my apartment.
Ella tiene un cuarto extra en su casa.
She has an extra bedroom in her house.
Que buena iluminación natural y amplitud tienes en tu mezanino.
You have such good natural light and openness in your loft.
The living room is one of the most popular parts of a home, garnering most of the foot traffic. If you plan on sharing your amazing Spanish skills with your family, then consider sticking labels on everything in this room!
Most living rooms are full of activity. Let’s see some verbs people use to describe what they do in their living rooms in Spanish!
Quiero mirar tele con mis padres cuando regresan del trabajo.
I want to watch tv with my parents when they come back from work.
Siempre ven películas los fines de semana.
They always watch movies on the weekend.
Prefieres leer libros en tu sala de estar en vez de tu cuarto.
You prefer to read books in your living room over your bedroom.
Mientras jugamos cartas en el salón, nos gusta poner música.
While we play card games in the living room, we like to put on music.
Estoy relajándome en mi sillón reclinable.
I’m relaxing in my reclinable chair.
El sofá es tan grande que Julio puede acostarse sobre él.
The couch is so big that Julio can lay down on it.
Pasemos un rato en la sala de estar.
Let’s hang out in the living room.
The dining room is a central part of the home where your family comes together to share meals. While you’re in this room, you can start labeling its furniture and common items, as well as basic foods. Then it’s your turn to use the Spanish phrases below to ask for something or ask others if they need something. Let’s get to it!
English | Spanish |
coffee pot | la cafetera |
milk pitcher | la jarrita para la leche |
basket | la cesta |
bottle | la botella |
cheese board | la tabla de quesos |
crockery | la loza |
dining set | la vajilla |
chinaware | la vajilla de porcelana / la porcelana |
glassware | la cristalería |
mug | la taza |
cutlery | los cubiertos |
spoon | la cuchara |
fork | el tenedor |
knife | el cuchillo |
glass | la copa |
cup | el vaso |
floral arrangement | el arreglo floral |
napkin | la servilleta |
napkin ring | el aro para servilleta |
pepper shaker | el pimentero |
salt shaker | el salero |
pitcher | la jarra |
placemats | los manteles |
plate | el plato |
salad bowl | la ensaladera |
sugar bowl | la azucarera / el azucarero |
teapot | la tetera |
tea set | el juego de té |
toothpicks | los palillos |
English | Spanish |
drink | la bebida |
meal | la comida |
breakfast | el desayuno |
lunch | el almuerzo |
dinner | la cena |
bread | el pan |
dressing | el aderezo |
juice | el jugo |
mineral water | el agua mineral |
pepper | la pimienta |
salt | la sal |
sugar | el azúcar |
While you’re enjoying your meal at the table, you can use plenty of handy verbs to describe what you’re doing, what you want, or what you plan to do. The most relevant phrases are:
Antes de comer, ponemos la mesa.
Before we eat, we set the table.
Abuela, ¿usted quiere bendecir la mesa?
Grandma, do you want to say grace?
Me disculpan de la mesa, por favor.
Please excuse me from the table.
Mi hijo, te puedes retirar de la mesa.
Son, you can excuse yourself from the table.
Cuando terminamos de comer, limpiamos la mesa.
When we finish eating, we clear the table.
Antes de comer, ponemos la mesa. " width="500" height="500" />
If you’re ready to deep dive into more vocabulary, take a look at the list of verbs of actions we perform while at the table!
¿Vas a repetir?
Will you have second helpings?
Vengan a sentarse para comer.
Come sit down to eat.
¿Me podrías pasar la sal?
Could you pass me the salt?
Pasame el aderezo.
Pass me the dressing.
Prueba una mordida del queso.
Taste a bite of the cheese.
¡Cada quien se sirve!
Help yourselves! (Serve yourselves!)
¿Dónde está el cuchillo para untar la mantequilla?
Where’s the knife for spreading the butter?
¡Ya me llené!
I’m full now!
La sobremesa is a Spanish tradition that has no equivalent in the English language or Anglophonic cultures. It’s the time right after a meal (lunch or dinner) when everyone sits together relaxing and having a conversation. It usually lasts from 30 to 60 minutes but during the holidays it’s known to last a little longer.
What we might call the “after-dinner conversation time” is generally accompanied by a choice of sweet digestive liqueurs served in small glasses, which they call a chupito in Spain, and some coffee.
Here’s some useful vocabulary to know in relation to la sobremesa:
Regreso en una hora; ahorita estoy de sobremesa con mis amigos.
I’ll be back in an hour; right now I’m sitting around the table after lunch with my friends.
Espero que tengan tiempo para quedarse de sobremesa.
I hope you all have the time to stay at the table after dinner.
Me encantó la conversación de sobremesa que tuvimos ayer con mis suegros.
I loved the table talk we had with my parents-in-law after dinner yesterday.
The kitchen is truly the heart of every home! Our childhood memories often consist of the nostalgic sights and smells coming from our parents’ kitchens. Fill your family’s kitchen with Spanish by downloading labels for all of the following items!
English | Spanish |
counters, countertops | la barra |
pantry | la despensa |
shelf | el estante / el anaquel |
wine rack | el estanteria de vinos |
kitchen island | la isla de cocina |
sink | el lavaplatos / el fregadero |
faucet | la llave / el grifo |
stool | el taburete |
English | Spanish |
bottle opener | el abrebotellas / el destapador |
can opener | el abrelatas |
masher | el machucador |
scale | la balanza |
colander, strainer | el colador |
container | el contenedor |
dish rack | el escurridor |
apron | la gabacha / el delantal |
oven gloves | los guantes de cocina |
knife set | el juego de cuchillos |
aluminum foil | el papel aluminio |
peeler | el pelador |
tongs | las pinzas |
grater | el rallador |
cooling rack | la rejilla de enfriamiento |
rolling pin | el rodillo |
corkscrew | el sacacorchos |
measuring cup | la taza medidora |
dishes | los trastes |
English | Spanish |
tray | la bandeja / la charola |
casserole dish | la cacerola |
spoon | la cuchara |
ladle | el cucharón |
knife | el cuchillo |
spatula | la espátula |
bread mold | el molde para pan |
pot | la olla |
pan | el sartén |
fork | el tenedor |
The bathroom is an essential part of daily rituals. Check out the following table of house vocabulary in Spanish with common bathroom items.
Voy a la tienda a comprar más papel de baño
I’m going to the store to buy more toilet paper.
¿Tienes pasta de dientes en tu casa? Olvidé la mía.
Do you have any toothpaste in your home? I forgot mine.
Puedes usar mi toalla, acaba de salir de la secadora.
You can use my towel, it’s fresh out of the dryer.
Debería comprar un tapete para baño, el piso siempre se moja.
I should get a bathroom mat, the floor always gets wet.
Mi secadora de pelo ya no sirve.
My hair dryer doesn’t work anymore.
English | Spanish |
to use conditioner | ponerse acondicionador |
to use shampoo | ponerse champú |
to dry your body | secarse el cuerpo |
to dry your hair | secarse el pelo |
to flush the toilet | jalarle al baño |
to clean oneself | limpiarse |
to wash | bañarse |
to wash your body | lavarse el cuerpo |
to wash your hair | lavarse el pelo |
to brush your teeth | cepillarse los dientes |
to wash with soap | lavarse con jabón |
No me puse acondicionador, sólo champú.
I didn’t put conditioner on, only shampoo.
¿Te lavaste con jabón?
Did you wash with soap?
Flush the toilet twice please.
Jálale al baño dos veces por favor.
I’ll be on my way as soon as I dry my hair.
Voy para allá tan pronto me seque el pelo.
You need to go through the hallway to get from room to room in the house. This section of house vocabulary in Spanish is inspired by Latin American houses.
English | Spanish |
frame | el portaretrato |
paintings | los cuadros |
plants | las plantas |
portrait | el retrato |
flowerpots | las macetas |
table | la mesa |
telephone, landline | teléfono, teléfono fijo |
¿Puedo usar tu teléfono?
Can I use your landline?
¿Qué tan seguido le pones agua a tus plantas?
How often do you water your plants?
Tienes bonitos cuadros y buen gusto.
You have pretty paintings and good taste.
English | Spanish |
to dust | sacudir |
to mop | trapear |
to pass by | pasar |
to speak on the phone | hablar por teléfono |
to sweep | barrer |
to walk | caminar |
¿Estabas barriendo? ¿Necesitas ayuda?
Were you sweeping? Do you want any help?
El baño está caminando por el pasillo a la derecha.
The bathroom is down the hallway to the right.
Estoy hablando por teléfono, dame cinco minutos por favor.
I am speaking over the phone, give me five minutes please.
Hand-picked for you:
There are two kinds of homeowners: those who use the basement as a living place, like an extra bedroom, and those who use it as a storage unit. This house vocabulary in Spanish includes all sorts of things you might find in the basement.
Estoy vendiendo los muebles antiguos que tengo en mi sótano.
I am selling the vintage furniture I have in my basement.
¿Me puedes prestar algunas herramientas?
Can you lend me some tools?
¿Todavía tienes tus cosas viejas de la escuela?
Do you still have your old things from school?
Deberíamos usar tu equipo de sonido en la fiesta.
We should use your boom box at the party.
Puedes usar mis herramientas de jardinería.
You can use my garden tools if you want.
English | Spanish |
to keep | mantener |
to lock | cerrar |
to save | guardar |
to use later | para usar depués |
Me gustaría mantener mis cosas en el sótano.
I’d like to keep my stuff in the basement.
No queríamos deshacernos del piano, así que lo guardamos para usar después.
We didn’t want to give the piano away, so we stored it to use later.
¿Cerraste el sótano antes de irte?
Did you lock the basement before leaving?
The attic is probably one of the most mysterious areas of a house. Check out this house vocabulary in Spanish about the attic!
Compré unas cajas para los anuarios.
I bought some boxes for the yearbooks.
El ático está lleno de recuerdos en contenedores de plástico.
The attic is filled with memorabilia in plastic bins.
¿Has visto mis trofeos?
Have you seen my trophies?
Pensaba que el árbol de Navidad estaba en el ático pero no lo encontré.
I thought the Christmas tree was in the attic but I couldn’t find it.
¿Puedes bajar las decoraciones navideñas?
Can you bring the holiday decorations downstairs?
English | Spanish |
to look for things | buscar cosas |
to spend time | pasar el tiempo |
to dust | sacudir |
to fix things | arreglar cosas |
to fumigate | fumigar |
to store | guardar |
Estaba buscando mis cosas en el ático, espero que no te importe.
I was looking for my things in the attic, I hope you don’t mind.
Deberías sacudir y fumigar arriba.
You should dust and fumigate up there.
Ellos guardaron unas computadoras que necesitan que las arreglen.
They stored some computers that needed fixing.
Pantry contents vary from country to country, but many foods, spices, and kitchen elements remain the same.
English | Spanish |
to bake | hornear |
to boil | hervir |
to cook | cocinar |
to fry | freír |
to grill | hacer a la parrilla |
to steam | hacer al vapor |
to stew | guisar |
Me gusta hornear la comida, es mejor que freírla.
I like to bake food; it’s better than frying it.
¿Puedes cocinarme algo?
Can you cook me something?
Voy a querer el pescado al vapor
I’m going to have the steamed fish.
Check out: Vocabulary Guide to Seafood in Spanish
If you have a home office, this is probably where you spend a lot of your time. That’s why this house vocabulary in Spanish is essential in your learning process.
¿Puedo usar tus audífonos para mi junta?
Can I use your headphones for my meeting?
Voy a necesitar más plumas, por favor.
I am gonna need more pens, please.
¿Sirve la impresora?
Is the printer working?
Mi celular se está cargando.
My cell phone is charging.
English | Spanish |
to give a conference | dar una conferencia |
to give a lecture | dar una clase |
to listen | escuchar |
to proofread | corregir |
to read | leer |
to speak | hablar |
to stream | transmitir |
to study | estudiar |
to supervise | supervisar |
to video chat | hablar por video |
Daré una conferencia hoy a medio día.
I will be giving a conference today at noon.
Necesitamos transmitir esta lección la semana que viene.
We need to stream this lesson next week.
Por favor estudien lo que vimos hoy.
Please study what we covered today.
With this house vocabulary in Spanish, you will be able to practice Spanish while folding clothes.
English | Spanish |
bins | los contenedores |
bleach | el cloro |
cleaning supplies | los suministros de limpieza |
clothespins | las pinzas para la ropa |
detergent | el detergente |
dryer | la secadora |
drying rack, clothesline | el tendedero |
iron | la plancha |
ironing board | el burro de plancha |
sewing supplies | los materiales de costura |
stain remover | el removedor de manchas |
washing machine | la lavadora |
Mi lavadora es grande y nueva.
My washing machine is big and new.
Necesito un nuevo burro de planchar, el que tengo tiene quemaduras.
I need a new ironing board, the one I have has burns in it.
Este removedor de manchas es grandioso, ¿de qué marca es?
This stain remover is great, what brand is it?
English | Spanish |
to dry | secar |
to iron | planchar |
to remove stains | remover manchas |
to rinse | enjuagar |
to sew | coser |
to steam | echar vapor |
to throw | arrojar |
to throw away | tirar |
to wash | lavar |
Puedes lavar tu ropa después de Alex.
You can wash your clothes after Alex.
No tires la basura aún.
Don’t throw out the trash just yet.
No sé cómo coser.
I don’t know how to sew.
Por favor enjuaga tus pantalones.
Please rinse your pants.
Practice your house vocabulary in Spanish starting today. Learning Spanish is a great choice for enhancing your resume, traveling easier, and connecting with more people. Did you know there are more than 580 million Spanish speakers in the world and 41 million in the U.S. alone?
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Blogger, content creator, and marketer. Proudly Mexican. Been to 30 countries. I love learning from different cultures and trying their cuisines. Obsessed with Asia. Fluent in Spanish and English, not so much in French.
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