How to Write a Letter Complaining About an Unfair Workplace

Often, simply writing about an encounter can help you manage some of the most daunting challenges, especially when the challenges could potentially interfere with your livelihood. Employers have an obligation to provide a work environment that provides equal opportunity for all employees, regardless of factors not related to the job, such as age, color, national origin, race, religion or sex. If you believe that your employer is engaging in unfair employment practices, a written complaint may begin the resolution process.

Identify Your Rights

Research labor and employment laws that prohibit discrimination and workplace harassment. What you think is unfair may not necessarily be illegal or unlawful. Unfair treatment in the workplace might involve overlooking qualified employees for promotions based on gender, or it could mean repeatedly ignoring an employee who makes suggestions for improvement during staff meetings.

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Federal and state labor and employment laws are freely accessible on government agency websites for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. Department of Labor or the U.S. National Labor Relations Board. Investigate unfair employment practices under laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Equal Pay Act.

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Review Company Policies and Procedures

Readyour employee handbook and review the company's policy on resolving matters related to unfair practices in the workplace. Many employers have a process employees must follow for filing complaints with their managers or with the human resources department. Even if your company's policy doesn't require a written statement, compose one to help you chronicle the incidents you believe are unfair. Ensure you have the correct names and titles of the people to whom you are addressing the letter, such as the company owner or the HR leader.

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I am writing to submit a formal complaint of sexual harassment to the company. The incident occurred last weekend at the office party when my inebriated boss told me that he fantasizes about me. I was shocked and left immediately with my husband.

Write an Introductory Paragraph

The first paragraph of your letter should include your full name, position, department, your hire date and your supervisor's name. If you've fretted over whether to even complain, you might mention that in your opening paragraph. Refrain from using threatening language in your written complaint. Never write anything that can be used against you or taken out of context. Stress your commitment to the company's values and philosophy, if it's genuine. Otherwise, omit that part.

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In my five years working in the shipping department for Acme Corp., I have enjoyed most of my experiences and the chance to build productive relationships with my co-workers. However, in the past three months, I've been struggling with how to address discriminatory workplace issues that I find disturbing.

Outline a Chronology of Events

Write a chronology of events that you believe illustrate unfair employment practices. For each incident, list the date, time and place or department; people who were parties or witnesses to the incident; the employee who was the target of unfair treatment; and a brief summary of the occurrence. State only factual information; don't add your personal opinion or perspective.

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Two weeks ago Brian entered the breakroom and started telling lewd, dirty jokes . Lauren and I told him that his humor was offensive. He just laughed. Today the same thing happened.

Request Action

In the concluding paragraph, express your interest in reaching a resolution. The key is to inform the company of incidents it might not be aware of and to support the company's investigation. Be direct in your request for a response or action to resolve unfair treatment.

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I trust that the company will take my complaint seriously and look into this matter promptly. This situation is affecting my self-esteem and ability to concentrate at work.

Set aside your draft letter for at least a day. Reviewing the draft with fresh eyes and time to process disconcerting matters may give you a clearer perspective about your complaint. Don't discuss your complaint letter with co-workers because that could interfere with an investigation by Human Resources.
