Since the University of Hong Kong is the oldest university in Hong Kong, HKU provides a comprehensive, research-intensive education. Internationally renowned teachers, first- rate libraries, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities are attracted me.
Choosing The University of Hong Kong is an excellent choice for me to apply for a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Biochemistry studies, as it provides students with basic and advanced knowledge in contemporary biochemistry and molecular biology.
The curriculum emphasizes experimental learning through laboratory exercises. It takes on a practical approach in learning biochemistry and equips students with the critical thinking.
My deepening interest in my A level subjects confirmed my belief that Biochemistry is the subject I have to carry forward. I particularly interested in induced pluripotent stem cells. These cells can differentiate into different kinds of cells under certain culture.
These are important in research and potentially have therapeutic uses. Also, the faculty’s laboratories in HKU are equipped with advanced scientific instruments. Therefore, I want to take up postgraduate studies after my Bachelor of Science degree and pursue a career in advanced scientific and medical research. My ultimate goal is to play a leading role in research and to make a contribution to society.
As I was a senior student, I have developed the ability to analyze and think critically, especially in chemistry. During the experiments, I have developed my all-round analysis and observation skills.
Through the experiments, I have found myself that I am a patient and determined person. Although I have faced many difficulties and failures, I still continued my work repeatedly to obtain a nearly perfect result. Also, through my laboratory reports, these reflect me that I am a perfectionist and prudent person.
I pay much attention to prepare and design an experiment well before the experiment. When I face some academic problems, I must ask teachers thoroughly in order to overcome the problems.
Creativity has been a quality I had. I thought that it is possible to introduce chloroplasts into the human cell. If it is possible, human need not eat.
Taking Science Club in Form 4 has inspired me to read some science reports in Wikipedia and American science magazine. I could acquire information related to biology and chemistry by myself.
Now, I like to watch online lectures. Recently, I have watched a lecture called "The Origins of ES Cells". This lecture was present the history of ES cell discovery and evidence for the homology of ES cells.
I am looking forward to experiencing university life. I fully believe “knowledge is power”, which is why I aspire to go to university. I hope that I will have the privilege of pursuing my studies at your reputable university.
This personal statement was written by nelsontsang911 for application in 2011.
This personal statement is unrated
I have chosen to study biochemistry or pharmacy at university because I have enjoyed studying biology and chemistry at college at A-level, and I am keen to proceed with them to a more advanced level. I think doing either of these is the most suitable option. I want to study biochemistry because I like the topics included in it. The study of living.
A few years ago my grandmother was diagnosed with a cancerous growth in her right breast. After a few sessions of chemotherapy and a surgical procedure, the lump was removed from her body. The moment left me bereft, and my emotional attachment to her made me curious to learn in depth about the mechanisms involved in the uncontrollable growth of.
The courses I am applying for are: Biochemistry/Sandwich Medical Biochemistry Physiology and Biochemistry Forensic Science The reasons for these choices are that I am studying both biology and chemistry at A Level and enjoy these two subjects the most and would like to combine them at higher education. The field of Forensic science is another area.
The need to survive is a remarkable thing, for it has allowed evolution to equip organisms with a range of extraordinary capabilities in order to stay alive. Since reading 'Why Geese Don't Get Obese' by Widmaier, my interests have developed in the molecular adaptations of animals; for example, the antifreeze protein that prevents the blood of.
I wish to read biochemistry at university because I want to discover the answers to the most profound and fascinating questions about the very essence of life. Some questions are so important but, paradoxically, can be overlooked by many people, for example, why are men naturally more predisposed to genetic conditions than women? My deepening.
For the longest time I have been deeply interested in the mechanics of all things. Even when I was younger, I would often take apart my toys in an attempt to understand their inner workings, before attempting to put them back together. When I entered high school however, my interests became more specifically biologically based. My main.