We are aware that many of you are not happy with our current drop rates of world drop items. We reviewed your suggestions and we’re excited to let you know that we’ve boosted drop rates so that you can obtain much more Kinah, Stigma Bundles, Manastone selection boxes, and Balic Materials through newly revamped Mysterious and Brilliant Lockboxes during the Season 2. The drop rate for this item will be much closer or some are even higher to what it was prior to 2.5 for some of the items.
Mysterious Lockboxes and Brilliant Lockboxes are being added across the board. This includes all the world drops and should help significantly with gearing up for end game content!
Please make sure to use all your remaining Mysterious and Brilliant Lockboxes and Keys as they are going to be removed during the maintenance on November 14.
Identical to season 1, for each lockbox, you will need a corresponding key to open. A total of 100 Mysterious Lockbox Keys are available from the Daeva Pass, and 50 Brilliant Lockbox Keys are available if you unlock Daeva Pass Premium. We are also going to give out Lockbox keys through events as well!
Available Zones
Poeta | Ishalgen |
Verteron | Altgard |
Eltnen | Morheim |
Theobomos | Brusthonin |
Heiron | Beluslan |
Inggison | Gelkmaros |
Telos | |
Apheta Beluslan |
Keys & LockBoxes
[Event] Mysterious Lockbox Key S2